T.V.O.D.TM    for January 2001

Welcome back to tvod.com ... did you miss me?  To cover some quick ground ... in August 2000, I began working for Church Publishing Inc.

Briefly, CPI has been entrusted with the publication of the Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal for the Episcopal Church since 1914.  The proceeds fund the Church Pension Fund.  Therefore we are both part of what has become a financial services organization called Church Pension Group, owned totally by the Episcopal Church.  Those close to the scene will disagree with the description but I'm trying to keep it simple.

I work in the editorial department; my specific duties are involved with a huge project creating a universal database for the church incorporating its clergy and parishes.  In addition, because of my knowledge of the English language I have been involved in proof-reading liturgies and some of the books that the company is producing.  Again, this is a gross simplification so you'll have to write me.

In January 2001, three major events I'd like to cover are the Celebration of Full Communion between the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) on January 6, the ordination of Mary Haddad+ and the release of The Molten Soul by Gray Temple.  Each of these has its own dedicated page.

Regarding the first item, I went to Washington DC for the first weekend in January with members of my department at Church Publishing.  The link brings you to a copy of the article I did for our in-house newsletter.

Second, on January 21, I attended the ordination to the priesthood of Mary Haddad+, former verger of All Saints, Beverly Hills.  I'd met her as a friend of David Littler's.  Some of you will be interested because you know Mary+ and weren't able to be there.  Others might find the details of an ordination interesting.

Third, besides being involved with the Episcopal Clerical Directory here at CPI, I have also had the privilege of proof-reading some of the new works that we are publishing.  One of the best is the new work by the Rev. Gray Temple, rector of St. Patrick's in Atlanta.  Whether you are already a "liberal charismatic" or simply wonder what I've been ranting on about for the last few years, I believe this to be one of the more thought-provoking books of the last few years.

Additionally, since eating is so important, I'd like to recommend a return visit to Lanza's Restaurant on First Avenue in the East Village.  Although it's been around since the beginning of the 20th Century, it's recent incorporation into the Sal Anthony's organization has done remarkable things for the food.  Gay people will still feel out of place, and the old-fashioned staff will do nothing to change that.  However, like George W. Bush, they don't seem to mind us either!  Plus, after 9 pm, one may choose from a prix fixe meal with some very good choices at very reasonable prices.

And a quick post-script; while at the ordination service I come up with a long-range project for myself.  Being the bishop follower that I am, some time in the future I would like to begin a personal imprint to be called “Ambrose” after the presbyter of the fourth century.  Acclaimed by the people, he was baptized and ordained as priest and then bishop all in one day.  Those who know me also know that I could never be obedient enough to be a priest.  But a bishop, sure!

So my idea is to be the venue for books by bishops.  All of them have at least one book in them, most have many more.  And there’s a built in audience in their diocese!  Anyway, just an idea.


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After all is said and done, one and one still is one ...
One moon, one star; I love the one we are ...

Robert Miles, "One and One" (1996, Deconstruction Ltd)

© 2001 Anthony Francis Vitale for the T.V.O.D. Companies